Our Mission
Vision, Mission, Goals and Values
An overview of the mission and history of Sausalito Beautiful history, along with some of our projects and positive impact on the community.

Our Vision:
- Citizens enjoying beautiful, well-maintained parks, public spaces, streetscapes, trees, and pedestrian ways
- A community that respects and preserves its unique setting on verdant hills that meet the sparkling bay
- An attractive home for residents and businesses, and a welcoming destination for visitors from around the world

Our Mission is to
create, enhance, and protect
Sausalito’s public green spaces

Our Goals
- Work in close partnership with the City of Sausalito while advocating for planning and budgeting that ensures creation, restoration, and maintenance of parks, public spaces, medians, streetscapes, and walkways
- Act as a catalyst for change through a range of innovative approaches, including creative collaboration, fundraising for special projects, and hands-on neighborhood improvements
- Encourage and support residents, businesses, and organizations in implementing beautification projects
- Engage the broader community in creating a culture of shared responsibility for the quality of our landscapes.

Our Values:
- Life is better with beauty.
- Sustainable, resilient landscaping is the ideal beautification model for Sausalito.
- Green spaces are part of City infrastructure and should exemplify good planning and design principles.
- Our entire community shares responsibility for Sausalito’s beautification.
- We all must learn about, practice, teach and foster good planning and design and sustainable, resilient landscapes.