Green Thumbs is a great way to meet new friends and join neighbors in beautifying our neighborhoods. You will get the satisfaction of making a real difference by working with your hands out in the fresh air!
Citizen volunteers who roll up their sleeves and put on their gloves have made big improvements in Sausalito’s public green spaces. Once a month the Green Thumbs team of volunteers weed, trim, plant, and/or mulch at a pre-selected site. Once a year, we make an extra effort to bring out lots of people for a special Beautification Day. This program is headed by Jim Scriba and coordinated with Sausalito’s Parks & Recreation Department and Department of Public Works.
Please join us for these fun and rewarding Green Thumbs Saturdays! We typically meet from 9:30am until noon on the first Saturday morning of the month (except during the winter), working together out in the fresh air. Participants meet new neighbors and see old friends, all the while having the satisfaction of beautifying our community.
The Green Thumbs team has worked at many locations throughout the city including Vina del Mar Plaza, the landscaped strip on Bridgeway between Taste of Rome and the Ice House Visitor’s Center, the bus shelter and adjoining mini-park at Easterby Street, Tiffany Park on south Bridgeway, and the Sausalito Post Office.
Green Thumbs is a great way to meet new friends and join neighbors in beautifying our neighborhoods. You will get the satisfaction of making a real difference by working with your hands out in the fresh air!
All ages and abilities are welcome—and you don’t even need to have a green thumb!
Join the team by signing up as a Volunteer, being sure to check “Yes, Sign me up for Green Thumbs” on the Volunteer Registration. You will then receive emails notifying you of the time and place each month.
Each year Sausalito Beautiful, the City’s Parks & Recreation Department, and the City’s Department of Public Works join hands to co-sponsor an event we call Beautification Day. These events are the quintessence of why Sausalito Beautiful exists. When our volunteers work in close partnership with both the City and the private sector, we are able to bring dramatic cost-effective change to our public spaces. Together we ensure that the beauty of our town reflects the splendor of our natural surroundings.
2014 – Volunteers and City workers weeded, planted and mulched a planting strip along Bridgeway north of the Ice House Visitor’s Center
2015 – Viña Del Mar Plaza was transformed in a single morning
2016 – Volunteers partnered with Shades of Green Landscape Architecture to restore Tiffany Park
2017 – Volunteers weeded, planted succulents, and mulched the raised beds at the Post Office with the help of Kellee Adams of dig-it Landscape Design.