Tracking your water usage in real time– shouldn’t there be an app for that?The answer is, “yes!” there is. It’s called Flume. And best of all, the Marin Water District offers a 67% rebate on the Flume device so that you only pay around $50.
Our Insights
We have a vision for the public green spaces in Sausalito. These insights reflect issues that impact the future and may (or may not) translate into an actionable project someday. Our aim is to educate citizens in a concise manner about a complex issue, while presenting Sausalito Beautiful’s perspective or philosophy on the matter.
We invite your comments, as we aim to initiate or further a community-wide discussion on these issues.

Small Green Thumbs SWAT Team Refreshes Firehouse & Police Dept Flower Beds
Sausalito Beautiful has some exciting news! We just established a new gardening group called the
Guerilla Gardeners. Much like our Green Thumbs gardening group which makes Sausalito so Beautiful during the year, the Guerilla Gardeners is made up of small teams who will do more frequent but smaller gardening projects

Green Thumbs Accomplishments & Upcoming Schedule
Our dedicated Green Thumbs volunteers have completed a host of projects over the last few months. Learn more about what they've accomplished and mark your calendar to join one of our upcoming Green Thumbs events.

We Did It! Sidewalk Fixed Next to Yee Tock Chee Park
Dear Friends, Notice something different next to the Barrel House and Yee Tock Chee Park? After six years, there is no longer a tree stump,...

Did You See Our New Banner?
Dear Friends, We’re thrilled to announce the display of our new banner! Have you seen it? It’s on Bridgeway near Dunphy Park. One of our new board...

Learn to Live Lightly on the Earth with Resilient Neighborhoods
Sausalito Beautiful is proud to highlight the good work of Resilient Neighborhoods. This non-profit has helped over 800 Marin households reduce over 11 million pounds of CO2 emissions since it began its climate action workshops in 2012. Sign up for their next free online workshops, which start on March 30 and April 5. Read more and sign up.

Trees & Storms – Why Sausalito Needs to Preserve & Plant More Trees
With all of this intense rain and wind that we’ve been experiencing in Sausalito and throughout the Bay Area, you probably have seen fallen trees in your neighborhood or along the roads.
In fact, the Bay Area has lost thousands of trees over the last few years due to drought and the intensity of these winter storms. So you may think that it’s best not to plant more trees in Sausalito since they risk falling. This couldn’t be further from the truth...

Meet Our Newest Board Members
Sausalito Beautiful would like to welcome Sharna Brockett, Mary Foust, Beth Freeman-Rogers, and Bonnie MacGregor as the newest members of our Board of Directors.

Native Plant of the Month: Ceanothus (California Lilac)
Over the next few months you may notice throughout Sausalito a variety of shrubs and trees with round, dark green leaves and 3-5 inches of beautiful blue flowers. Most likely this is Ceanothus, a California native plant, often called California Lilac.

Green Thumbs Update & Upcoming Events
Our Green Thumbs volunteers have been busy! Have you noticed the succulents and weed-free planters around the Post Office? Or how about the nicely mulched trees and shrubs around MLK Park and below the dog park? Read below about an upcoming Green Thumbs Event as well as past events and what was accomplished these past few months.

Update on MLK Park Trees
The trees planted at MLK Park in 2019 and 2022 are doing great! They were recently structurally pruned and fertilized, while the plaque commemorating the citizens who donated to this project was recently installed.