As drought continues to be a top concern for the future here in California, we know that we need to be more mindful of our water usage. You may have a 5-minute water timer in the shower, fill buckets with water as your shower heats up to water plants, or use a water-efficient showerhead.
But all too often, it’s difficult to really know how much water you’re actually using when you take a shower or water your plants. With all the technology on our smartphones, shouldn’t there be an app for that?
The answer is, “yes!” there is. It’s called Flume. And best of all, the Marin Water District offers a 67% rebate on the Flume device so that you only pay around $50.
Using the Flume App on your phone, you can quickly detect leaks, see exactly where you’re using water, and compare water usage over time.
Watch this video to see how easy it is to install a Flume device.
To learn more about this and other water-saving rebates, go to:

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