USPS thanks Green Thumbs!

USPS thanks Green Thumbs!

In June, Sausalito Beautiful’s Green Thumbs volunteers swooped in to clean up at the Sausalito Post Office. Led by Scriba, everyone did a marvelous job cleaning up the downed limbs, trash, tall grass, and weeds. The crew has promised to return in the Fall in order to fill in the blank spaces with more succulents.

Not only did we fill 3 large green carts, 1 large trash bag, and 18 brown debris bags but we had two volunteers from Sioux Falls, South Dakota!  Katie and Pam were visiting Sausalito-based Shelia, and it turns out Pam and Shelia’s father founded Sioux Falls Beautiful so they wanted to help. They walked away with the “farthest traveled” award.

We had some additional newcomers (Jason, Patti, Louise) in addition to the faithful crew of Carolyn, David, Olivia, Jenny, and Stan. Even Debbie (Scriba’s wife) snuck in to show off her talent with a rake. Thank you all, and hope to see you on July 17th for the next Green Thumbs event.

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