After two years of refurbishment, the grand opening for Southview Park was held on September 25, 2022. Approximately 50 community members and City of Sausalito representatives attended the celebration. To help maintain the newly renovated park, a $5,000 challenge grant was announced by Mary Foust, a Park and Recreation Commissioner, at the ceremony.
The ribbon-cutting ceremony included a series of short speeches thanking all those who had participated in completing the park. Speeches were given by then Mayor Janelle Kellman; Park and Recreation Commission Chair Raylene Gorum; Carolyn Revelle representing Sausalito Beautiful; and Mary Foust, Recreation Commissioner.
Southview Park Plaques
Major donors and contributors to the completion of the park were honored with plaques:
Main plaque:
- The City of Sausalito
- Sausalito Beautiful and SWA Group for contributing the landscape plan by landscape architect Bill Hynes
- Friends of Southview Park and Residents who donated the funds to implement the plan
Individual bench plaques honoring major donors:
- The Cleveland-Knowles family
- The Hothem family
- City council member, Ian Sobieski, and his partner, Julie Nagorski
- Mary Foust, a Parks and Recreation Commissioner
- Carolyn Revelle in honor of her son Randall Revelle Hufbauer
Tree plaques honoring donors including:
- Julie Betwee and Dave Brezner;
- The Weiner family in honor of Herb Weiner, long-time City Council member
- Philip Smith
- The Isen family in honor of Gail Isen
The event also included food, music by a rock band, and tennis and pickleball demonstrations.
$5,000 Matching Grant
It is critical that after so much time, effort and funding Southview Park be well maintained. Considering the City’s budget constraints, Mary Foust, a Parks and Recreation Commissioner, announced at the opening ceremony that she will provide a $5,000 challenge grant to set up a Southview Park Fund (SVPF) for augmented maintenance and park amenities. The intention is to use these funds as needed for Southview until they are all disbursed. All contributions to the Southview Park Fund (SVPF) will be doubled, matched dollar for dollar up to $5,000. The fund will be administered by Sausalito Beautiful. To contribute, either send a check to Sausalito Beautiful, P.O. Box 222, Sausalito, CA 94966 (subject line: Southview Park Fund or SVPF) or go through the organization’s website, to contribute on-line.

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