Since our last update, our dedicated Green Thumbs volunteers have accomplished a variety of projects to help beautify our town and enable Sausalito to better weather the effects of climate change. See updates and pictures below.
And if you want to get your hands dirty, check out the upcoming calendar below. Our next project will be to weed and clean up Langendorff Park at Easterby St & Woodward Ave. Join us by signing up to volunteer.
- MLK Park: In early April, Green Thumbs volunteers came together in MLK Park to pull weeds and mulch around some of the trees so that they better retain moisture in the soil. Sausalito Beautiful led the planting of the trees in 2019.
- Johnson Street Trees: In late April, the volunteers celebrated Earth Day by weeding under the trees on Johnson Street and planting dymondia ground cover under some of the trees to help them retain water The volunteers enjoyed and shared coffee and donuts with neighbors who were walking by while educating them on how they can get involved with Sausalito Beautiful.
- Tiffany Park: In May, the Green Thumbs team focused on cleaning up, trimming and weeding Tiffany Park.
- Ice House: In preparation for the Ice House’s summer opening, in June the volunteers weeded, raked up the pine needles and lightly pruned the tree in front of the Ice House.
- Sausalito Post Office: Last weekend, we weeded and cleaned up the Post Office landscaping as well as watereed the succulents, many of which we planted in 2019.
Upcoming Green Thumbs Events
Join us for our next Green Thumbs working group. Click here to sign up to volunteer.
- 8/19/2023 Langendorff
- 9/16/2023 Cloudview Park
- 10/21/2023 Tiffany park

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