Little Rays of Sunshine

Little Rays of Sunshine

Did you take a moment to bask in the golden glory of those radiant daffodils that popped up all over town?

They were like little rays of sunshine, brightening up even the gloomiest corners! You could spot them gracing the post office entrance, frolicking in the greenery of Dunphy, Gabrielson, Langendorf, and Southview parks, and they even snuck their way into...

Support Our Work in 2024

Support Our Work in 2024

Thank you for your continued support of Sausalito Beautiful. Without you, we would not exist! We are writing to share with you the strides we have made to enhance and preserve the beauty of our beloved town, and to request your support for our ongoing efforts. Have you seen the seven newly planted street trees on Caledonia Street? Or after six years, the repaired sidewalk and brickwork on Bridgeway in front of Barrel House? After months of tirelessly knocking on doors, writing letters to secure property owners, retailers, and City approval, offering funding, and coordinating with contractors, we were able to complete these projects. They are just a few examples of how we put your donations to work in 2023.